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graphic design

The Graphic Design major is one of the branches of the Applied Arts Program, which in turn reflects the modern visual language and culture, by harnessing the latest advanced technological capabilities (from computers, special software, multiple media, and other technical tools) to translate creative ideas into artistic projects by integrating creative skills with applications, technologies and media. Multiple, and exploit it all in various sectors of society.
The specialization is based on qualifying students in the fields of advertising and advertising and media institutions, and this is done through scientific and professional qualification to engage in the professions of design and production of advertising, printed, visual and stereoscopic, and 3D and animated advertising in accordance with technical methods and modern technology, where the student master the use of computers and build local skills of visual communication And artistic expression and innovative applications of graphic design.
Specialization objectives:
Graduating specialized and distinguished cadres with the following:
• The ability to produce and artistic creativity
• Promote the level of use and harness of graphic design techniques in various sectors of society, especially the commercial and artistic advertising sector
• The exploitation of technical and technical skills in the production and development of educational aids
• The ability to work within a team that has ethical and professional controls.
It is a specialization that combines multiple fields of knowledge, scientific, technological and artistic, distinguished by comprehensiveness, vitality and creativity.
Fields of work for graduates:
There are wide fields of work open to a specialist who holds a diploma in graphic design, for example:
Advertising design \ printing and publishing \ artistic creation \ web page design \ cinema artistic production companies \ television and radio production \ demonstration production companies \ teaching and supervision in the artistic field … and others. This profession also allows the possibility of becoming a private business.

Study requirements for obtaining a diploma in the Department of Graphic Design:
The major leads to the Diploma in Graphic Design. All students wishing to obtain a diploma in this specialty must complete (69) credit hours, which constitute the college’s compulsory requirements and the department’s requirements.

College Requirement Diploma

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Graphic Design Program courses

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Graphic Design specialization courses

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